Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Applications of CBT to Personality Difficulties: Top-up CBTpd training
About the Programme
This specialist programme, alongside the Postgraduate Diploma in CBT: CBT for Personality Difficulties Pathway has been commissioned by NHS England (NHSE) to help support the new targets for access to psychological therapies in secondary care services.
This 1 year part time CBTpd ‘Top-up’ training, validated by the University of Manchester, is aimed at CBT practitioners who can demonstrate competency in CBT for affective disorders, and wish to develop their CBT skills for personality difficulties.
Programme Aims
The main aims of the programme are as follows:
To provide high quality and comprehensive training in the application of CBT to Personality Difficulties.
To enable students to develop their competencies consistent with the competencies framework for psychological interventions with people with personality difficulties developed by Roth & Pilling (2013) Psychological Interventions with People with Personality Disorder | UCL Psychology and Language Sciences - UCL – University College London and in particular the CBT specific competencies CBT for PD web version May 2015.pdf (
Who Can Apply
Applicants for this programme will predominantly be current staff within Secondary Care Mental Health Services (which may include staff working at Step 3 +/ 4 of a Primary Care Mental Health Service), who have the support of their Manager/Clinical Lead, and for whom funding is available from Health Education England.
They will be Psychological Specialists, who are also qualified members of the main mental health professions (Clinical Psychologists, Psychiatric Nurses, Psychiatrists, Mental Health Social Workers, Occupational Therapists in Mental Health, Accredited Counsellors). Please consult the following link for a list of all health, Mental health and social care professions currently accepted by BABCP as a recognised core profession, which will be accepted as entry criteria: Core Professions (
Applicants without one of these recognised core professions will be considered for eligibility via the Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes (KSA) framework based on that developed by the BABCP. The KSA requirements for this training programme will be sent out to applicants. An example of KSA requirements can be found on the BABCP website Knowledge Skills and Attitudes (
Applicants will generally be graduates, although non-graduate applications can be accepted if they demonstrate equivalence of level 6 academic standards.
Training Component
The training component is in the form of lectures, workshops and supervision of clinical practice. Attendance is weekly, one day per week (Tuesday) over the academic year, with approximately 25 teaching days (there are likely to be additional days for supervision only).
After the initial three full teaching days (weeks 1-3), subsequent days will be comprised of weekly supervision in the morning and skills workshop in the afternoon. These workshops will include those delivered by local, regional and national leaders in the field of CBT for personality difficulties.
How to Apply
If you are interested in this programme, you will need to talk to your service manager, who should be aware of the allocation of funding for places available in your service, and be able to facilitate access to application forms.
Recruitment usually takes place between August – October.
Contact Us
We are happy to answer questions related to the course itself, but unfortunately are unable to provide any general career advice.