Who we are

GMMH Trust in Numbers

The Trust is a statutory public body, which became an NHS Foundation Trust (public benefit corporation under Section 35 of the National Health Service Act) on 1 February 2008. It is part of the National Health Service, registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

The Trust is one of the largest specialist mental health providers in the country, providing inpatient and community-based mental health care for people living in Bolton, the city of Manchester, Salford, Trafford and Wigan, and a wide range of specialist mental health and addiction services across Greater Manchester, the north west of England and beyond. We also provide Health and Justice Services in a number of custodial settings. We employ over 6,600 members of staff and deliver services from 109 locations with an annual income of £522.7million. In a 12-month period we expect to meet the needs of around 97,533 service users.

Our Vision and Values

The Trust’s five-year Strategy 2019 - 2024 (‘Delivering Excellent Care and Supporting Wellbeing’) sets out the Trust’s strategic vision - ‘Working Together to Improve Lives and Support Optimistic Futures’ - and future direction of travel. It guides how the Trust leads and enhances services in collaboration with users, carers, staff and partners. The Strategy is aligned with the NHS Long Term Plan (LTP), Greater Manchester Health and Wellbeing Strategy, commissioner strategies and locality plans and responds to the significant and often above average mental health needs of our local populations.  

The Trust completes an annual planning process, to support the organisation’s clinical, financial and operational sustainability and support delivery of the Trust’s vision and strategic objectives.

To deliver the vision the Trust is focused on achieving five key strategic objectives, as shown in the following strategy ‘Plan on a Page’ the aims are:

1.    Best care, every day
      Work with service users and carers to achieve their goals by delivering high quality care.

2.    Compassionate, supported, motivated staff
      Create an outstanding place to work, ensuring staff feel valued and are supported to reach their potential.

3.    Best outcomes
      Continuously improve services for users through Research, Innovation and Digital Technology.

4.    Individualised, seamless services
       Work in partnership with others to improve wellbeing and challenge stigma.

5.    Sustainable services, adding value
       Be a sustainable, well-led organisation that delivers social value.

The Trust also has five core values that underpin how staff and volunteers work together to care for the Trust’s service users and deliver the vision that were co-produced with our workforce. These are:

•    We are caring and compassionate;
•    We inspire hope;
•    We are open and honest;
•    We work together; and 
•    We value and respect.

Meeting Governance Structure

The document below shows the corporate meeting structure of the organisation from Ward to Board.

Governance Structure Overview 

Council of Governors

Our Council of Governors has 30 Governors, with elected governors representing Public Constituencies across the 5 areas within the Trust Footprint, a Service User / Carer Constituency and Staff. There are also 6 Governors appointed by the Trust’s partners.

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Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors sets the overall strategic direction for the Trust and is collectively responsible for monitoring all aspects of performance, providing financial stewardship and ensuring the provision of high quality, safe and effective services.

The Executive Directors manage the day to day operational running of the organisation, whilst the Non-Executive Directors are focused on challenging the Executive Team on management and strategy. The Non-Executive Directors do not hold any managerial responsibility, but are accountable with the Executive Directors for the Trust’s performance. The contribution of Non-Executive Directors, and their relationships with Executive Directors and governors, is facilitated by the Chair.

All of our Non-Executive Directors are considered to be independent, as they have not been employed previously by the Trust and do not have any financial or other business interest in the organisation.  Murray Freeman is our Senior Independent Director.

Learn more

Points of Pride

The last two years have been the most challenging in the history of the NHS and we must not underestimate the significant effort that has taken place to respond at pace to the requirements of the pandemic. As the pandemic has progressed, we have seen a rise in the level of mental health needs and acuity and an increasing demand for services and mental health support. Our staff, across all services, both clinical and corporate, have worked tirelessly during the changing demands of the pandemic to adjust, expand and flex the delivery of services to meet the needs of our service users to ensure the least disruption to their care.


We have much to be proud of as an organisation. Read more about our points of pride.

Lead Provider Collaborative

The Trust, as Lead Provider for the Adult Secure Provider Collaborative which became operational from October 2021, is working with partners to ensure that people requiring Adult Secure Services experience high quality, specialist care as close to home as appropriately possible, connected to local teams and support networks.

In its role as Lead Provider, GMMH is financially and clinically responsible for the patient population. Management of the budget and pathways aims to increase opportunity to make savings and reinvest in community and step-down services to improve the whole pathway, including the quality of provision for the patient population, whilst reducing reliance on the most specialised services.

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Local Integrated Care Systems (ICSs)

We are an active partner within our local Integrated Care Systems, which are at varying stages of development. Salford ICO (Integrated Care Organisation) and Manchester LCO (Local Care Organisation) are the most advanced, with GMMH operating as a subcontractor to Salford Royal in Salford and agreement reached that a similar arrangement will be established in Manchester in Year 3 of the LCO (2020/21). Trafford’s Local Care Alliance (LCA) and Bolton’s Integrated Care Partnership are emerging and GMMH has executive-level seats on meetings established to take these developments forward. In all areas, the Trust’s approach is focused on building effective relationships, which will enable the delivery of joined up, higher quality care for local communities.

Find out more about the NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership

As a patient

As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Find resources for carers and service users  Contact the Trust