Our Carers Strategy
Our Carers, Family and Friends Strategy provides a framework to take forward and action policy and legislation, and sets out our vision for engaging, involving and supporting carers.
GMMH recognises and values the support that carers give and acknowledges their expert knowledge about the cared for person and their help in working with our staff to achieve the best outcomes for those who use our services.
The strategy sets the direction and focus for the Trust and local organisations to work together to bring about tangible and lasting improvements.
The Carers, Family and Friends Strategy can be found at: https://gmmh-staging.verseonecloud.com/trust-strategies.
Our Carers Charter
Our updated Carers Charter sets out what carers can expect from GMMH's staff and services.
The Carers Charter was developed in collaboration with carers and local voluntary groups to ensure that the role of a carer is acknowledged and respected, their needs are met and that they have access to the services and support they need.
The Carers Charter is aimed at the thousands of people who have caring responsibilities for a family member, partner, friend or neighbour who has mental health, alcohol or drugs problems or has a disability.