5 Ways to Wellbeing

The 5 ways to wellbeing is a way to reflect on our current situation and perhaps become aware of what’s helping or hindering our well-being. The 5 stages below will help you to work through this at your own pace, without any pressure.


Worksheet One

This information sheet will give you some ideas for things to do within each of the 5 ways to wellbeing.

Worksheet Two

This weekly diary will help you to monitor your activity day by day or reflect back over your previous week in relation to the 5 ways to wellbeing.

Worksheet Three

This weekly planner will help you to set out some activities for the upcoming week that can help you do more of the 5 ways to wellbeing.

Worksheet Four

This simple scaling sheet allows you to reflect on how much activity you are doing in each of the 5 ways to wellbeing.

Worksheet Five

This change planning worksheet will enable you to plan more effectively for any changes to your activity that you have identified.



As a patient

As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Find resources for carers and service users  Contact the Trust