Behavioural Activation

Many of us are having a difficult time getting back to the level and variety of activity we used to do prior to the lockdown.

Behavioural Activation (BA) is something that may help you with this. It will allow you to identify the activities you value the most, establish goals around these activities and prioritise the ones to work on first. You can then break these down into more easily achievable steps. You can also use the worksheets to help plan ahead or reflect on some activities you tried out.

The first couple of sheets explain a little more about what BA is, the rest of the worksheets will help you to plan and carry out your activities. The Last sheet is a step by step guide to doing BA.

Behavioural Activation

Many of us are having a difficult time getting back to the level and variety of activity we used to do prior to the lockdown. Behavioural Activation (BA) is something that may help you with this.

As a patient

As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Find resources for carers and service users  Contact the Trust