GMMH Deputy Chief Pharmacy Technician wins Apprentice of the Year Award

Madelaine Ackers, Deputy Chief Pharmacy Technician at Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (GMMH), has won Trafford and Stockport College Group’s Higher Education ‘Apprentice of the Year’ award for the Level 5 Management course.
Through the Trust’s apprenticeship scheme, Madelaine has been doing a Level 5 Management qualification. This course requires her to complete her studies in a mixture of different forms including, self-directed reading, assignments, group focus groups, a work-based project and an end-point assessment (EPA).
The course has a focus on self-reflection and teaches management skills and tools, which Madelaine has already been able to put into practice in her everyday role. Although study time is given at work, Madelaine has committed to doing a lot of learning within her own time to be able to get to the level she has achieved.
She was nominated for the Higher Education Apprentice of the Year at the annual awards run by Trafford and Stockport College Group. She was lucky to be shortlisted and attended an awards evening where she was pleased to be told she had won.
Donna Bartlett, Chief Pharmacy Technician, said:
“The award is thoroughly deserved as Madelaine has grown into a great manager, exhibiting true leadership skills whist remaining true to herself and the team.
“All the Pharmacy team are extremely proud of what she has achieved. Well done!”